Saturday, January 16, 2010

What is a baby flying squirrel called?

Like baby cats are called kittens, baby dogs are called puppies, etc. What are baby flying squirrels called? Thanks!What is a baby flying squirrel called?
Baby squirrels are called Kits or pups. Male squirrels are called ';bucks'; female squirrels are called ';does'; and a group of squirrels is called a ';dray'; or a ';scurry';

Hvae fun and good luck with your project!What is a baby flying squirrel called?
Target practice.
they are called cripples!!
Most likely they are given the same name as other rodent young. I think that is kit but am not sure.

BTW if you have a flying squirrel (I did research on them in college. Even met my wife because of one I had as a pet!) You must give them bone to chew on or they will eventually get a calcium defiecency and act like they have arthritis. Then they die.

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