Saturday, January 23, 2010

How do I care for a rescued flying squirrel?

So, I rescued a teeny flying squirrel from a parking lot earlier today. Its really wee. I'm not sure how old it is, etc. But it is about 2 inches big, excluding the tail. I've been trying to feed it formula, apples, water, etc. But it doesn't seem to want it.

Any help?How do I care for a rescued flying squirrel?
If wildlife rehab doesn't have room, try local vet offices. Until then, force feed warm puppy or kitten formula, would be my advice. Make sure it's kept warm, too.

**IF** and only *IF* you have experience force feeding before, you can go the pet store and get a syringe that's made for birds when they're weening. It has a longer, hooked end to it instead of the regular straight, short end (you may have to cut a bit off the end to make the hole larger). This allows you to get the formula further back in the mouth (but be VERY careful not to drown the poor thing). In my experience, if you can get the formula under the back of the tongue, a little to the side, the animal will swallow it more readily. The longer, thinner, and hooked tip on the bird syringes work well for this. In events where that does not work, you can get the formula directly into the esophagus (get it down the wrong tube and it dies! So do not attempt this unless you've been taught how to do it!!!).

If it is just not interested in the formula, you can try baby food.

Hope this helps and I hope the little thing is doing better!How do I care for a rescued flying squirrel?
You care for it by taking it to a Wildlife Rehabilitator - they can give him/her the proper care they need.

It's in the best interest of the Flying Squirrel that you take him/her to a Wildlife Rehabilitator. Sure, he/she might be cute, but they're not alive to please you. He/she needs to be taken care of by professionals and released back into the wild.

Good luck.
You should of done research before rescuing this animal! Do some research and a vet can help too.

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