Friday, January 22, 2010

Are flying squirrels illegal to have as pets in Georgia?

We've had flying squirrels before that we found in our backyard, but let them go. Now we're thinking of getting some more, but wanted to know if they're illegal to own as pets. Are they? And if not, are there any good places to get them?Are flying squirrels illegal to have as pets in Georgia?
noAre flying squirrels illegal to have as pets in Georgia?
I live in GA too and I think they are illegal. They did make Sugar Gliders legal though. I hate GA, they are too finicky. Look at the website below and it tells you what is illegal and you'll know what I mean. Good Luck! :)
YES do not get one they are wild animals and if you get caught there is a 500$ fine! Get a sugar glider it is a LOT of work to care for but a lot of fun!
first they dont fly they glide they are not illegal anywhere except for japan and china you should get one i researched and found no places that sell them sorry
Squirls don't fly
ask the animal place

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